Ethics and Compliance

Statement on Kennametal Code of Conduct

Kennametal’s Code of Conduct is a key part of our core values and defines our “winning with integrity” culture and mindset.  The Code of Conduct defines the values and principles upon which Kennametal operates its business, competes in the marketplace, and serves our customers around the world.  For more than 75 years, Kennametal has been committed to not only compliance with all applicable laws, but also conducting business with the highest ethical principles.

Kennametal trains and encourages its global team to embrace the Code of Conduct to ensure we maintain our strong ethical culture.  The Kennametal Office of Ethics and Compliance is available to provide guidance to employees and others regarding ethics and compliance questions, including our Code of Conduct, wherever Kennametal operates.  Kennametal is also committed to fully investigating all reported instances of misconduct and to maintaining a strong non-retaliation policy for those that report concerns.

Ethics Helpline

If you have an ethics or compliance concern, we need your help to bring the concern to the attention Kennametal management and the Office of Ethics and Compliance. Our third-party managed Helpline answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Helpline reports are always managed professionally, confidentially and anonymously (where allowed by law).  It is important to provide as much information as possible when making a Helpline report to allow for a thorough investigation.  The Office of Ethics and Compliance can be contacted directly by telephone at 1-412-248-8275 or by email at:

Helpline Access by Telephone

United States and Canada 1-877-781-7319


Mexico 001-844-285-0327


People’s Republic of China 4006012267


Brazil 0800-892-0728

Japan  - 00531-11-045, 0066-33-830681, 0034-800-600306


Poland - 00-800-151-0176


United Kingdom - 0808-234-2939


All other countries - First dial the applicable AT&T international access code for your country, then dial 1-877-781-7319

France 0800-91-4367


Germany 0800-186-2076


India 000-800-100-1704


Israel 180-931-7187

Helpline Access on Internet

Questions or concerns on ethics and compliance topics may also be submitted confidentially and anonymously to the Office of Ethics and Compliance through our Internet-based Helpline portal at: .

Ethics and Compliance Literature

Kennametal Global Non-Retaliation and Global Reporting Obligation Policy

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